Game 5 Announcements

We were shorter on announcements for game 5 but wanted to give everyone an update anyways.

  1. We’re getting rid of needing XP to level up. We don’t want to penalize people for not being able to make game and we do realize that leveling up is a big part of the experience of LARP. For that reason, we’re building out an XP Point shop – where you can trade in points to get cool things in-game. We still really, really hope everyone continues showing up in costume and doing interludes – we love reading them and hope to incorporate some of them into game. But we get it that it’s hard and stressful to remember all of it.
  2. Please remember to sign up for the Patreon – it’s here. Thank you for those who have done so already.
  3. Please give a big round of applause for Seth and Jared who’ve stepped up as our narrators!
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